About Me

Welcome to my website, where you can learn more about my career in different fields of audiovisual production world. After 10 years the sector linked to the person creating, developing and audiovisual production in Andalusia, as I wanted to reflect what has happened during this time period. You will be able to see the videos of audiovisual works where I participated in one way or another, pictures of the shooting in which I participated, the latest news about the industry and my work situation, I created the posters, musical productions, and so on. I sincerely hope you like who really cares and serves as a communication tool between those colleagues to whom I joined more than a working relationship.
Professional Experience 2000-2013
-Sevilla European Film Festival 3 rd, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8th edition. Sumaysigue and Andalusia Film Commission
-Festival of Film and Television Islantilla 8th and 9th edition. Huelva. Andalusia Film Commission
-Read, the best lesson of your life. Ministry of Education. Form-animated
-Entrelobos. Kids Casting director Gerardo Olivares film actors. Wanda Vision and production are
-Martech 2011. University of Cadiz IV International Workshop on Marine Technology. Form-animated
-Graphic "Vega del Rey." McCann-Erickson and Son Production
-Rafael Riqueni. Paco Long Bech-documentary. SL arena. Madrid and Seville
We are all-Andalusia. Department of Employment, Government of Andalusia. Form-Animated
-Iberdrola "Corporate video. Genesis-films. Puerto Santamaría Cádiz
-The Omen. Bro Dennis Short. Vicente Lacorzana. Cazalla de la Sierra
-Comeback-15 and Sevilla Festival Stock. Replies Communication. Olympic Stadium in Seville. Fox Group
-Trend-EGO Room and Art c / Calatrava, Alameda de Hercules, Seville
-Sound-Soho Pavilion Concert Hall. Imagine Pro Discovery Pavilion Seville
-Laboratory-Fuse creative cultural activities. Imagine Pro Occidental Sevilla Room
-Jazz Festival 8 University of Seville. Cultural Promotion Secretariat and Sevilla Univ. Jazzanova Performance
-Launch Campaign Andalusian Institute of Occupational Hazards Prevention Road Show. Belowgroup
-Heineken Shares Spain-Exclusive Events SA. Badajoz, Huelva and Seville
-Courses of Film 2004. Canal Sur TV Campaign. Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Carmona
-Bersuit. Tour Spain in April 2004 Imagine Productions & Bryan Mc pro. Seville
-I find ethnic music. Sunflower Room Viapol Edf. Imagine pro
-Astronauts. Presentation of the Film Festival of Santi Amodeo. Lz Productions and Tile. Soho Sevilla
-Burladero + Ojhú. Inauguration 2003 season, Imagine pro. Canos de Meca, Cadiz
-Apandau Music Club. Season Opening 2002, Imagine Pro
-Innovation-Plan "Tourism Capital of Mediterranean Marbella 2002. PSOE campaign Malaga
-Index-Food Festival. Boat "Isla Canela" I and II edition. Guadalquivir River
-Taboo Club. 2002-03 season. Artistic programming
-GASS`04, Seville Sound Art Gallery Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art (not run)
-Imagine own productions with Mala Rodríguez, Reindeer, Silicone Soul, Angel Molina and Sideral
-Sevici - bike lanes. Tv Spot for the City Council of Seville. Leglez Andalucine.com and advertising
-We are a Team. Education Ministry, Culture and Sport. Spot TV. They Production
-Convention Campofrío. Congress and Exhibition Palace - Fibes. MagGuffin
-Staff. Education Ministry, Culture and Sport. Spot TV. They Production
-Carmen. Robert Wilson opera Maria Luisa Park. McKinsey & Co / Son of Production
-Carmona Film Fest II. International Festival of Short Fiction & Documentary
-Gate to Future. Informative Festival of New Technologies. CEA. Foundation Mt. Palenque / Isla de la Cartuja
-Viridiana Productions, various projects 2004 / 5
-Territories-2002. International Music Festival of Peoples. Plaza del Salvador
-Deep-Oh! Marbella. Terrace Hotel Don Carlos. Lighting and sound. Malaga
-5 To 1. Jorge Naranjo short film. Jaleo Films. 2 º Ayte. address
-After Alberto Rodriguez film The hurdy-gurdy - Lz and Tile production
-Media Mark. Tv spot. "Sea Wolf" and "Finding Home". Polar Star Films
-Corporate Video "FP". Junta de Andalucía. Are produced. Malaga, Jaen and Seville
-Reaching dreams. documentary. Andalucine.com and Canal Sur TV. Sevilla-Granada-Almería
-Metrocentro. Tv spot. Improved Infrastructure and Transport Ministry. Junta de Andalucía. Evening productions
-Green. Tv spot. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. They Production
-Certified Quality-Andalusia. Junta de Andalucía. Barataria Productions. Cadiz-Seville-Carmona
-Silvio at the right hand of heaven. South Channel Documentary T.v. EasyWay and Oblique Gaze. Malaga, Huelva
-Alejandro Sanz-Tour "is not the same 2004." Movistar VIP area. Olympic Stadium. MagGuffin
-Middle management, Carrefour Congress. Congress and Exhibition Palace. MagGuffin
-Pablo Olavide University. Carmona and Film Production Courses
-International Music Festival 2007 Territories of the People. Protocol Assistant
-And to me, who cares for me?. Tele-film for Canal Sur TV. Bus Pictures
-Onda Cero Radio Andalucía-News and Magazines. Assistant production table
-Aux-Metro Sevilla. Lighting. Macondo Films. Monitoring and 3D recreation of the works
-Espantapitas 2003 and 2004 Festival Art, Debate and Music. Nijar Natural Park-San Jose Almeria
-25 º Anniversary Corporate Video Andalusia Parliament. Macondo Films. Huelva, Cadiz, Malaga, Cordoba
-Mojama, Tuna and Mackerel. Spot TV. Agriculture and Fisheries Department. They Production
-CIYAT-Wheels. Spot TV. Department Innovation, Science and Enterprise. Macondo films
-Video informative program Andalusia Digital Commitment Innovation Ministry. Macondo films
-Always Coca-Cola & Betis in its Centenary. Spot TV. Art and Props Manager. Are produced
-Campaign Sevilla F.C. 2007 Assistant Director Art. Atrium Digital Image Group
-Professional Training. Spot TV. Ministry of Education. Art and props. Are produced
-Learn it. Spot TV. Ministry of Education. Responsible Art and props. Are produced
-What a Night Canal Sur TV Producer ZZJ. Casting assistant
-Time-Video Recreation Jauja S. XIX Museum - Córdoba. Casting Assistant. They Production
-Schooling. Spot TV. Junta de Andalucía. Art and props. They Production
-Four -TV's Got Talent. Casting Assistant Sevilla. Grundy Productions
-Tv Spot-Tio Pepe. Campaign 2008. Rcr Films. Marbella-Ronda-Sevilla
-Ferrero Rocher TV-Spot. Campaign 2007, Rcr Films. Carmona-Córdoba
-The basin of west-TVE-1 Series. Producer, Lynx TV. Sevilla-Granada
-Innovation Corporate Video. Innovation and Science Ministry. Macondo Films. Cadiz and Espartinas
-International Presentation Derbi GP1-Gerona-group Bilbao. Pavilion of Navigation. Sevilla-Jerez
-O2: Tv Ad. Germany. Axis_Films + Tempomedia. Zentner Dtor.Matthias
-Public Enemy Tour Asword Lord Mc. Natural productions. Malaga-Marbella
Nation-Break I and II Natural Productions. Palenque Sevilla
- "Angels SA" Eduard Bosch film with Pablo Carbonel. Dream Films. Ayamonte to Seville
- "Pour Elle" French film shot in Ayamonte. Fidelity Films Films + Iberrota
Mu Magazine
Freek Magazine
Radiopolis 98.4fm "The City Sonora"
- CIEE Seville Study Center. 2007 and 2008 Orientation Program, Liberal Arts / University of Seville
-Junta de Andalucía. Ministry for Social Affairs 2001.
-City of Seville. 2000 Economy and Employment Area
-Provincial de Sevilla. General Secretariat 1999.
-Sevilla Siglo XXI. Manpower and Training 1998
Higher Module I. E. S. Nestor Almendros - Tomares 2001-2003
Occupational Training / FPO addresses. GDT Consulting and Training and Seville City
-FILM AND TV FICTION in Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Carmona. Professor José Antonio Pérez Giner (Producer)
- Degree in Audiovisual Communication. School of Journalism. Courses 2005/06 Sevilla
- 300 hours of Internship Form-Animated S.L. Andalusian Audiovisual Production
- French: Spoken and written medium. 9 years in the French School
- English: pre-intermediate. Stay in New York. British Institute 1 year. CLICK Academy 2 years
Trainer of Trainers (50h CEA)
Using Communication Tools to external networks (8h DINSA)
Technical and executive production and distribution of Shows (78h ACT-Association of Performing Arts companies in Andalusia)
Marketing Communication and Performing Arts (40h ACT-Association of Performing Arts companies in Andalusia)
Protocol and Public Relations (18h D'ALEPH)
Communication Tools 2.0. (50h ACT-Association of Performing Arts companies in Andalusia)
Spreadsheets and performing arts budgets (50h ACT-Association of Performing Arts companies in Andalusia)
Advanced Internet (ALEPH D'24)